Tell us what you need

Are you looking for tailored Email Marketing packages and services?

We have an option for every need and pocket!
One Time Packages
You don't feel ready to commit? We can design a one-time package for audits, consulting and setups.

Some of our packages:

- ESP & Automation Setup
- Copyrighting Audit
- Systems Audit
- Strategy Session

Starting at £350
Recurring Services
Do you prefer to outsource tech, strategy or copy (or all of it)? We have multiple solutions to fit your needs.

Some of our options:

- Strategy Consulting
- Deliverability Monitoring
- Segmentation and Copy
- Full List Management

Starting at £500/month.
Fractional CTO & CMO
Do you need someone "in-house" for a project or a transition to new systems and strategies? We can help.

When you might need us:

- Startups & Small Businesses
- Rapid Growth and Scaling
- Support during transitions
- Specific Project-Based needs

Starting at £1500/month.

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